You are more than a great Dad. You are an inspiration, a teacher and a friend. am lucky that I love u father with all of my heart. I am really lucky to have a father that loves me with all of his heart. Love and laughter are two of the things that you have given me that make life more fun.Thanks for showing me how the world works. I may need a few more tips though.Thanks for making me rich. Not with money but with love, caring and a happy family.Thanks for always being there for me without ever being in the way.Dad, I remember when you didn't need help blowing out your candles but you still let me help.You are out of this world and yet, you are the best Dad on the planet. Weird huh? Your unconditional love has always helped me to feel warm and safe. From my heart to yours, you are and will always be special to me. Happy Birthday.Your love has always given me the ability to believe in myself. Thanks for being a great dad.Happy Birthday.
Selamat hari lahir ayah..maafkan anakanda mu yang jauh diperantauan ini kerana tidak dapat menyambut harilahir mu...dari jauh ku panjatkan doa semoga ayah sentiasa sihat dan dimurahkan rezeki selalu...amin...
Luv u Dad....
sweet ayat tu
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