We often hear from seasoned property investors how much they have throw their investments into renovation and refurbishment of their properties in hope to increase their property value. With all the monetary, time and effort be put in the renovation works, whether it is terrace house, bungalow or condominium, the profits is readily to be harvest. However, not all renovations or refurbishments should be done blindly because when the works are out of control, your pocket may hurt. At the end of the day, it is all about budget and money based on your affordability as well.
Here’s how to effectively furnish your investment.
1. First impression matters
There is a common saying that goes ‘you never get a second chance to make good first impression’. People tend to make quick judgments and that also applies in property viewing. To ensure your property unit give good impression, you could concentrate on the decor and designs to offer an impressive first view from the door entrance. There’s no need to spend exorbitantly on the featured lights, photo frames, shelves, wallpaper to build a good first impression.
2. Avoid unnecessary renovation expenditure on plaster ceilings
You can avoid spending unnecessarily on plaster ceiling, unless you are looking to target the luxury or upper middle class market like expats. Though it is commonly known that plaster ceiling with indirect lighting look fantastic and elegant but to be honest it is something else that grabs the attention. It is like the walls, the furniture and colour scheme of the entire room that grabs the attention of the potential tenants, right from the moment they enter your abode.
3. Utilize loose furniture
What do we mean by loose furniture, it means that it can be easily replaceable. We have to stress again that the allocation of the budget is very important as you would want to invest that is worth for the money. It is advisable to invest in things that are more resistant to wear and tear which includes the air-conditioners, lights, curtains and electrical appliances. Do take note that nothing last forever as the nature of tear and wear depends on the reasonable utilization of the tenant. Meanwhile for the furniture, use something affordable and decent looking for the house. At the end of the day, you will have security deposits which will come in handy for unreasonable damages on your furniture towards the end of the tenancy.
4. Fill up your rooms and walls
What I have learned from my previous experiences is that people will find faults or petty issues on the flaws if there is nothing in the room or the walls. When they find the flaws, your unit will always be remembered as the one with flaws. The kind of flaws we are referring to are cracks on the walls, the uneven paint job, misalignment of your doors and everything that anyone can’t see eye to eye in it. The best way to distract them is to decorate and furnish your room by filling up the big empty walls with wallpaper, shelves and decor. All these items can be easily found in local furniture and decor stores with decent price.
5. Plan and neutral colour curtains
Curtains not only works as blocking the bright lights or sound proof but it also works as the house visual attention and focus. But, if you want your property for viewing, we suggest plain and neutral colour works better aesthetically, apart from being affordable. What we notice is that curtains with motifs and patterns may not appeal to every individual. One life hack we advise is that to get curtains with full height as it makes the interior look expensive, visually. Besides, you are going to cover the windows anyways and it won’t cost much going all the way.
6. Maintain the walls, electrical points and water inlets
Due to every occupant or owner’s lifestyle, they are always tempted to hack the wall, relocate the electrical points or add power points. Well, you can save the works and your money from doing those because it’s not effective for your budget and time since you are going to sell or rent your property. Instead, work on those existing points and get it fix. You could shift your focus to provide something higher value to your customers such as additional wardrobe or television in the bedroom.
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