5 Things I Can Do With My Microsoft Wisepad 7


The Microsoft Wise Pad W7 is the first 4G Windows 10 phablet.  Some of the specs are:
OS: Windows Mobile 10
Camera: Front 2MP; Rear 5MP (Autofocus with flash)
Display Screen: 7” 600 x 1024 IPS USB: Support USB On-The-Go Battery: 3200 mAh, 3.7V

So..here 5 Things I Can Do With Microsoft Wisepad 7:-

1.A Productive Second Screen

Chances are i probably do a lot of work on my computer, and a tablet can actually make a great second screen to augment it—whether i hook it up to my computer as a second monitor or actually use Microsoft Wisepad 7. With a couple work apps and shortcuts, i can actually use my Microsoft Wisepad 7 as a more productive, secondary device for keeping up with email, my notes, or other work-related tasks i need to keep an eye on.

2.An All-In-One E-reader

That it's one of the best ways to use Misrosoft wisepad 7. I can pretty much combine all my reading into one, likes Google Play Magazines, Kindle, comic book readers, and "read later" apps like Pocket.

3.A Note Taking Machine


If i in school (or need to take a lot of notes at work), a Microsoft Wisepad 7 actually makes for a pretty dandy note-taker. I had a ton of examples of how i used a tablet in class, from making annotations in books and articles to making handwritten notes and equations or even just downsizing your massive stack of textbooks. And with apps Evernote, Drafts, and OneNote available, i can do more with my notes than i ever could on paper.

4. A Creative Tool

Traditionalists may scoff at the use of digital tablets for art, but they allow i to do a lot of things i can't do on paper—especially if i short on funds. Whether it's making music, digital painting, or creative writing, a tablet gives me portability, ease of use, and the ability to easily copy or share my works quickly and easily. It may not be my go-to studio, but it's a great tool to have my disposal for creative tasks.

5. A Portable Media and Gaming Center


Imagine the awesomeness of a home theater PC that fits in my backpack. I can bring it over to my friends' house for the Game of Thrones finale, throw some old school video games on their TV, or stream some Netflix on a whim. All i need is a Microsoft Wisepad 7and the right apps and accessories. Plus, it's great for when i have those same cravings at the airport or while i'm out with no access to a TV.

6. A Distraction-Free Work Device

 Misrosoft wisepad 7 are also great at focusing i on one specific task—mostly since i can't have multiple apps open at the same time. That makes it great for distraction-free writing, and turns it into a surprisingly legitimate productivity tool. It's also great (obviously) for distraction-free reading.

Interesting right so do not miss your chance to have one today.

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